Capitalizing India

The next 20 years are an opportunity for all global entrepreneur & professionals to capitalize on a new and highly potent agenda of “Make in India”.  It requires initiative, self - belief, sustainable decision making and greater collaboration between all stake holders.
Innovation and technology adaptation have a huge role to play in this transition.
I am very optimistic on the overview as the fundamentals of Indian economy are very strong. We have a huge demand for almost everything and demand for quality products is also growing with the growing affluence, awareness and buying power of the middle class.
The mood is set with a strong government at the center ready to take India forwards and open up the country for development through it’s’ “Make in India” push.
At this stage of our trajectory we need to understand that we need a mix of the following strategies:
1.       We should energize our performing expertise sectors (e.g. Software, handicrafts) by immediately providing them an efficient ecosystem to perform better- Infra push.
2.      We should immediately collaborate with foreign majors for tested and contemporary technologies to produce standard quality products for our teeming millions - Technology transfers & Collaborative manufacturing.
3.      Import suitable quality products into India & provide an effective distribution system for them for better permeability.
I aspire to be a part of this global movement by bringing together different stake holders to collaborate and inspiring all to realize this opportunity. 
I have been spending a lot of my time with some leading Indian corporate for technology adaptation.
Adapting these technologies in the Indian eco-system is a challenge but not impossible.
I founded a platform called “evolve TOGETHER” and took some initiatives to interact and promote some products, techniques and processes that I found interesting. (uPVC, WPC, Surface decorating metals to replace wood & marble usage etc.)
My journey involved understanding products & technologies from Industry leaders that could change the way we look at constructions, interiors & architectural possibilities.
I also understood the issues that plague our constructions industry and why we produce inferior buildings over & over again.
I also understood that much could be resolved if:
1.       customers are informed of quality materials & possibilities
2.      effective consortiums of quality material manufacturers are created for turnkey executions
3.      sub standard materials are weeded by law or isolated by quality conscious competitors & partners
4.      quality building materials create brands that educate and inform.(We need story tellers back again.)


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