2020 - an year of its kind!

2020 has been a year of its kind for all and I wish I could write it off.

Poised to welcome 2021 with much more wisdom than ever before, I hereby admit to self that I am more experienced now than I was till 2019.

Till 2019 I was literate but 2020 gave me a lifetime of experiences that redefined the way I will ever think, react and perceive.

2020 saw “my world” attacked by a virus that we all can debate was made in China or an act of God. The virus was seen by many as a correcting tool and a fury of nature that we as humans have invited in the name of development.

2020 saw “my image of my world” changed in many places – some good, some bad and some unchanged.

On a lighter and a brighter note I met my immediate family and I actually lived with them. I found them intelligent, interesting and friendlier than until 2019. My relatives and friends were more visible and responsive in 2020 (this was evident from the WhatsApp messages and wishes they sent me). I realised they were better skilled than me and most of them were excellent cooks and health advisers. Never before did I realise that I could actually clean my house and do the dishes – and that it actually required the values of commitment and discipline that strengthened my resolve to put in the physical effort. 2020 made sure I valued the mundane. I was kind of dismantling myths and embracing realities.

2020 elevated my vision beyond ME and my identity. The pandemic affected lives beyond physical borders and mental boundaries and I was punished and rewarded for the acts of others. I realised that I am not isolated and just my actions do not determine my future. It was some kind of collective karma that was coming to life through something that feels like a collective consciousness. I realised I am just a small nut in this global machinery, constantly moving in unison with a plan that was beyond my comprehension.

2020 was a year of realisation. It paused the mad race for everything we never needed.

I had everything we didn’t need and practically nothing that was necessary. I was witness to a soul gasping for oxygen and departing from the lack of it. An oxygen cylinder was something we should have kept handy rather than the material garbage that suffocated my space.

2020 saw the state ruthlessly impose the lockdowns to save the citizens and the same state relaxing the imposition for the paucity of revenue. The mighty empires simply crumpled.

2020 saw me integrate globally. Technology suddenly was a need and the future was forced on us. We all delved deep in our devices and realised these were not mere toys for joy but real tools for learning and business.

Should 2020 be written off simply because it brought us into the future faster?

Should 2020 be written off simply because it exposed our vulnerabilities?

Should 2020 be written off simply because it eroded economies?

Should 2020 be written off simply because it burst our bubble?

2020 has belittled us. It has simply conveyed that we have to do something.

It has taught us to unlearn and undo whatever we have so far done as that could be wiped off in no time.

So while we once again will try to rebuild our institutions and prove once again to ourselves and others of our superiority we now need to perhaps change our goal and the path as well.



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